Sistematica S.p.A. is the leader of a group of companies whose financial and control holding company is Sistematica Consulting S.r.l. Overall, the Sistematica Group employs approximately 100 resources, over 70% of which are graduates, and has a total annual turnover of around 7.5 million euros.
From an organizational point of view, the “Sistematica Group” includes:
Registered Office: Rome; Headquarters: Terni; Local business units: Rome, Bari)
Business group leader, front-end towards clients and general reference (from a technical and organizational point of view) for the entire group: it is a software developer and system integrator in the fields already mentioned.
Digiwrite S.r.l. : (95% Sistematica S.p.A., 5% private shareholders)
Registered office and Sales office: Rome; Operating headquarters: Terni
Spin-off of the sector that up until 2003 dealt with the Anoto Pen & Paper technology at Sistematica S.p.A.: focused on the creation and marketing of applications and/or services that are based on such technology and, more generally, in form processing automation.
Gem S.r.l. : (60% Sistematica S.p.A., 40% private shareholders)
Legal office and Operating Headquarters: Bari
Advanced algorithmic company that specialises in the areas of “computer vision”,”neural networks”, “analysis of scenes”,” advanced sensory systems”, design, system engineering, energy efficiency. In close collaboration with the Politecnico di Bari, it deals with part of the design for the “automation and control”, “video surveillance” and “energy” sectors (plant engineering and sensory systems). It is certified to ESCO (Energy Saving Company)
Enersoft S.r.l.: (20% Sistematica S.p.A., 80% Free Energia S.p.A.)
Registered Office: Rome;
Spin off of the “Energy” department, focused on advanced IT systems for the energy sector (monitoring and control, production support, forecast,. scheduling, invoicing, management control, CRM)
Feed S.p.A.: : (70% Sistematica S.p.A., 30% private shareholders)
Offices: Registered Office: (Rome); Operating headquarters: Terni (at Sistematica)
The company focuses on “renewable energies”, with special attention to: (i) energy production (own account); (ii) support activities for the implementation of power plants, including activities in support of the same (eg: preliminary energy audits, assistance to the authorisation procedure, monitoring and remote control, etc.); (iii) design and implementation of renewable energy production facilities on own account and/or on behalf of third parties.
The main office is located in Terni, and covers approximately 750 square meters of property.
The main offices includes:
Secondary offices:
Sistematica S.p.A. is the main front-end towards the market (it is in the supplier register and acquires the main orders). The company directly manages most of the projects and activities towards the market, in particular those related to its core business. It also makes use of some “area” subsidiaries focused on
specialised areas (ex: Digiwrite, for “digital pen and paper”)
Sistematica S.p.A. also provides DIR / QUA, COM and IT / SIC services to all the companies in the group
Research, development and design structures
The property located in TERNI (TR), In Viale Donato Bramante No. 43 – 5° floor, covers a total area of 488.80 square metres, with a gross covered area of 625.80 sq. m.
Inside the same there is a software laboratory that uses all the necessary development equipment, including:
There is also a service centre, equipped with excellent facilities (e.g. redundant servers, dedicated Digiwall-based security subsystem – with a firewall made internally on Linux platform), used for providing the classic “in-house” IT services (e-mail, Internet access, company Intranet, etc.), and for the provision of some services to third parties.
In addition to the above-mentioned main lab, there is a secondary software lab at the local business unit in Rome, which covers about 600 square meters, and hosts the software development activities related to the Business units directly managed by the Rome headquarters (in this case: BSS and OSS).
The location hosting the main software lab also features an area dedicated to “Research & Development “, used for applied research in areas of high technological innovation (it is from this area that some important sectors, such as the one relating to the technology Anoto Pen & Paper stemmed) and run by a manager, who works with about 4-5 resources on average, plus a reasonable number of “grant holders” (Sistematica has agreements with the Universities of Perugia, Rome, Pisa and Ancona), who take turns performing “experimental thesis” or “postgraduate internship” and who often carry on working with Sistematica, under various forms of collaboration). These resources can then be complemented, when needed and according to the pertinent “business” appraisal (relating to the potential short / medium term economic effects), with resources temporarily diverted from more “traditional” development activities.
Operating essentially in support of the company’s business (and, consequently, in the sectors currently of interest or of potential future interest), the laboratory carries out research mainly in the following fields:
In this context, the activities of the laboratory are mainly directed towards the continuous improvement
of the design and application development platform for “form processing”, which was created as a concrete output of the research activities carried out in this respect over the last three years, and which was initially used as a personal productivity tool (to increase efficiency and development speed of the team engaged in the implementation of the services based on such technology services), and which was then engineered and “packaged” so as to be supplied to the company’s technology and/or business partners in order to facilitate their entry into the “Anoto world”.
It is worth emphasizing here that, in fact, the “Anoto pen & paper,”technology is just one of the components of the broader field of “form processing” (constituting only one of the methods associated with the “data acquisition” phase, complementing for this purpose other methods, such as the acquisition of data from printed material via optical scanners, the direct use of electronic forms, etc.).
In this context, an essential component of the platform is the recognition component of handwriting (ICR: Intelligent Character Recognition), on which many studies and in-depth studies have been and are still being carried out in order to extend the fields of application and, above all, improve the average quality of the process of interpretation of the data acquired.
It was developed in-house, as a prototype destined to become the tool to support management and administrative activities carried out within the group: it is a fairly sophisticated application based on the Domino platform, which allows the integrated management of all production phases (including the pre-sale activities- offer, feasibility studies, contracts activities, etc. as well as post-sales ones – invoicing, payments, project control, client support, etc.) and to carry out a strict control of management in companies of similar size to Sistematica’s.
The system, which was developed for the above purposes, is currently used as a reference tool for all Group companies, for financial planning (budget determination and control, invoicing and payments, checking any deviations from estimated/final accounts, etc.) and for keeping accounts “per cost centre”, both at Business Unit level and for individual orders.
The company’s “group” budget definition (which is carefully monitored and verified quarterly) are also managed using the integrated tool.
Initially, the company’s intention was to progressively evolve the system to make it become a “product”: appropriate in-depth studies in this regard, especially in the light of the requirements arising as part of the CSC project, highlighted the relevance of the experience for the purposes of reusing the know-how thus acquired, but also recommended the development of a new product starting from a tested infrastructure, which would not be affected by the “ad-hoc” setting such as the one adopted for the application described here. One of the objectives of the activity of pre-competitive development is to use the experience and know-how gained in the implementation of such system to create a new system that can be used in-house as well as “offered to third parties”, and as such it will be conceived, designed and built.
In this context, the research activities initially focused on UMTS mode and, more specifically, on the in-depth study of the so-called “SIP” layer: this was not for the purpose of creating a “proprietary product”, but to show the potential market partners operating in the field of such emerging technology that the company possesses the right skills (e.g. UMTS licensees in Italy).
Next, the business expanded into the world of new wireless technologies (from Bluetooth to Wi-Fi with new platforms for mobile terminals, such as Symbian or Windows CE).
Finally, in-depth studies were carried out on TETRA networks (network technology for mobile phones, as an alternative to GSM, applicable in certain sectors – such as the military world, the civil protection sector, etc., where GSM does not offer sufficient guarantees in terms of “service levels” and/or security). The outcomes of these activities, together with the results obtained from the collaboration with important national enterprises working in the automotive field (ex: VIASAT, Octo Telematics), have also led to the creation of a platform for the implmentation of “work-flow management” and of “fleet management” systems.
Document & work-flow management
In this context, the research activities initially focused on more in-depth studies of the most important international standards of reference (ex: WFMC specifications: Workflow ManagementCoalition) and the creation of a platform for designing and developing applications of “document and wok-flow management “compliant to these standards. Subsequently, we concentrated on integrating the emerging PKI technologies (digital certificates, electronic signature, etc.) into such platform, with particular reference to the specific characteristics that apply to the Italian market (AIPA specifications, now CNIPA). From this, some concrete results arose, such as the creation of one of the first work-flow management engines able to integrate the use of digital certificates in accordance with the AIPA standards (and, therefore, usable in the field of Public Administration) and of one of the first AIPA-compliant “computer protocols” (currently used by over 50 public institutions). With respect to the issues described above, the use of “open source” tools and techniques has been explored, together with the integration of such technologies with other technologies of particular interest for Sistematica (Anoto functionality, technologies in support of mobility, management control tools, etc…)
The following projects that are about to be started up should be added to the above area of interest:
The company also has a research laboratory in the Matera office which, together with the subsidiary Digimat, operates in the following sectors:
A prototype, designed to test the feasibility of some innovative ideas that are at the base of the project has already been created, using own funds. For the continuation of the project, a request has been recently made for ministerial contributions under the PIA – Piano di Agevolazioni Integrate (Integrated Facilities Plan), destined to the Local Unit in Matera.
Sistematica regularly works with several research institutions and organisations at national level including, to name but a few: ASI (Italian Space Agency), University of Rome – Tor Vergata, Telespazio and others.
It also works with the University Consortium FOR.COM. with which the Research Project “Definition and implementation of an evolved Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system” has been carried out.
The For.Com. Consortium is a non-profit public body established in June 1990, which stemmed from the cooperation between Italian and foreign universities as provided for by the Italian Presidential Decree 382/80, by Italian law 705/85 and by the Reform Law of the University Didactic Regulations, to carry out research and training in various areas, including: Marketing, Communication and Management, Finance and Control, Quality, Energy and Environmental Management.
The founding members were the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and the Bournemouth Polytechnic (UK).
The current members are: the University of Turin, the University of Molise, the University of Nottingham, the University of Cassino, the University of Sassari, the University of Bari, the University of Foggia, the University of Camerino, the Telematic University Guglielmo Marconi, the University of Liverpool – University College Chester, the University of Malta, the Universitatea “Ovidius” Constanta – Romania and the Université de la Savoie CEFI-CNRS.
For.Com. is registered at the laboratory register (M.I.U.R. – Code 80 – Research and educational applications of telematics, multimedia and of new technologies).
SISTEMATICA develops (either directly or through companies of the group to which it belongs) “turnkey” software systems;
it integrates systems, creates application packages, provides ICT services as well as specialist consultancy.
These activities are mainly performed in the following sectors:
Sistematica currently has the following Business units, spread across three “Business Areas”; a short description of such BUs is given here below together with the corresponding features:
Sistematica S.p.A.
Sede Legale
Via Giacomo Peroni, 400/402 – 00131 ROMA
Sede Operativa
Via Bramante 43 – 05100 TERNI
Tel. +39 0744 61221
Fax. +39 0744 6122222
Via Palermo 80/a – 06124 Perugia – Italy
C.F. 94123460548
T. +39 (0) 7558201
Tel. +39 0744 443411
E-Mail: info@umbriaerospace.com